Powerful Health Info : Did You Know: Foods that heal the kidneys are purple plums, purple potatoes, black quinoa, blackberries, black carrots (purple carrots), hijiki(…View Post
Meet Gabrielle Douglas!! Congratulations to the US Women’s Gymnastics Olympic Team for winning their first Gold in London! It was a honor to …View Post
Horsetail is an original medicinal plant, from a botanical stand point. It is criptogamous (grown in desert soil), and like ferns, it reproduces itself …View Post
Talk About Divine Timing! Shaakira White and Zaakira Mitchell twin sisters,of South Carolina, gave birth on July 24th just one hour apart. Mitchell …View Post
More than 150 Agave species are known and all of them are quite similar in appearance and properties. Agaves are rosette plants that live for&…View Post