This past weekend the internet was in a blaze of commentary after photos hit the internet showing the latest #blackbrunch protests which begun in Oakland California, and New York City.
In the photos, a group of protestors interrupt several restaurants where predominantly ‘white folks’ dined for brunch on Sunday afternoon. Some stood in silence for several hours, and other chanted the words “You Are My People, You Are..” but this bold demonstration caused alot of anger with many people and the war of ‘words’ smothered the internet soon after and are still brewing til this very day.
Let’s Face It, what your witnessing is the modern day civil rights movement. Similar to the freedom fighters in the 1950’s, who too sat in restaurants to disrupt services to bring attention to the ‘PREJUDICE ‘ of Blacks in America, the #blackbrunch serves the same purpose.
As a nation and people we cannot continue to remain ‘quiet’ and or place a ‘band-aid’ on the ‘ugly truths’ of our nation’s ‘history’, and ‘present’ hatred towards black people. In every revolutionary movement, it must be BOLD, REBELLIOUS, and PERSISTENT in order to bring about change in any society.
If I were to judge from the commentary on social media, I too would agree that that there is ‘secret divide’ that is showing its ugly head in light of the #blacklivesmatter movement. Why is that? Has it always been there, and are the blindfolds finally coming off for some people?

Meanwhile, there are many people of different races who are part of the #blacklivesmatter movement, protests and the recent #blackbrunch, yet that is the one thing has been ABSENT from the conversation.
Former NYPD Cop, John Cordillo posted a selfie on twitter on Sunday [Jan.4th] with the caption that read:
” I’m Really Enjoying These Eggs Benedict So Move Along Now. “
Where is the uproar now? Does nobody see anything wrong with this? Hence the reason for the continued protests, and the perpetual need to remind folks that #blacklivesmatter. Here’s a previously sworn officer whose duty was to serve and protect the citizens of America, who defends his actions on television by admitting that he staged the photo with the unloaded gun at his home, and sees nothing wrong with his caption as he was exercising his first amendment rights.
However, Cordillo says that there should be an investigation into the #blackbrunch event as he believes the protestors were ‘harassing’ and ‘patronizing’ the citizens who were eating. Were the protestors not exercising their first amendment rights?
HYPOCRISY at its best. Gun pointing and a questionable caption aimed at a specific group of people seems more harmful to me than folks expressing civil disobedience.
The tweets have been astonishing, with some people categorizing black people on a whole stating with the regular stereotypical rhetoric; calling out black on black crime.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but there is as much white-on-white crime in America as there is black-on-black crime, but sadly only one group gets the dominant feed on the nightly news. Its open knowledge; do the research.
I came across a comment on social media from a woman named Jenna Aranda who I felt expressed my exact feelings on what is currently happening in this country. She writes:
” Before last night I was opposed to people blocking traffic in protest. However this issue is blocking everyone to their destination. It is ‘uncomfortable’ and causes us to reroute our feelings, our conversations, and our path in life.
For those that were stuck on the freeway going home or to work you have experienced a ‘brief’ moment of what it is like for someone who has prejudice against them. Blocking them from their ‘Freedom’, ‘Rights’, and ‘Fucks Sakes’ their ability to ‘Live’. If you do not want to be blocked then clear the path for everyone not just yourself. “
This statement speaks VOLUMES, and it allows each of us to look ourselves in the mirror and ask, Are we a nation of one people, or a divided people? The sad truth here is that many of us know the answer, we know what’s at stake, and we are still hopeful for a better future for the life of HUMANS and yes, BLACKLIVES.
One Love PLUM’s!