Rihanna Is One Bad GYAL!
The pop singer is no stranger to bold fashion and causing a media frenzy but may people are calling her latest outerwear fashion a complete fashion FAIL.
Rihanna was spotted strolling the streets of NYC in a pink silk night gown, classic low top converse sneakers, and a denim long sleeve jacket. Not sure what sparked this particular style of dress but this is not what we would expect from the self-proclaimed “Fashion Killa”. On a scale from 1-10 Ri-Ri outfit scores #1 [in my book]
As the industry evolves and more younger artists are recruited, we’ve seen fashion go from one extreme to the next. While fashion is said to be about everything that is abstract, unique, and out of the box, there needs to be some new implemented rules on appropriate outerwear.
Here’s a few of the commentary posted online:
Tami wrote: I may be “old school” but what ever happened to “indecent exposure” ? Going out in nightgowns, boobs hanging out at Award ceremonies, boys with their pants down to their knees and we HAVE to look at their dirty undies. Show these “private parts” to YOUR mate… not EVERYBODY should HAVE to look at ALL of you. But when you are “Headlines” we have no choice.
Laine writes: ” Not something most people would wear in public, especially to a meeting. BUT it looks better than the flannel Pajama bottoms some women wear “
Commenter: ” It is amusing how bad celebrities need attention in order to function. Actually it is kind of sad! “
Tell us what you think?