Oprah Winfrey Channels Her Inner Role On Set Of Mr. Butler!

Oprah Winfrey is surely synching into her role in the Lee Daniels directed movie, Mr. butler.  Winfrey plays the role of Ms. Allen who ages from 22 -90 in the upcoming movie and she channels her inner 1970’s  with numerous afro-centric hairstyles including the infamous ‘AFRO‘ which was and still is hair staple for African-Amercian women.

The Butler,”  centers on Forest Whitaker as White House butler named ‘Eugene Allen’, who served under 8 different presidents in his three-decade-long tenure.  Lee Daniels assembled an all-star cast for the film including  Oprah Winfrey (who plays Allen’s wife),  and  Alan Rickman and Jane Fonda who play  Mr. & Mrs. Reagan in the movie.   Lenny Kravitz also features in film also.

The story begins in  New Orleans and graduates to Capitol Hill. Oprah seems to be very fond of the role and 100% committed to the project which involves numerous wig changes and transformation.

Here’s a shot of Oprah on set as 90 year-old woman. Check out the Obama/Biden t-shirt Ms. Winfrey is rocking.

I absolutely love this shot. Oprah sports a geometric black and white dress and black Afro.  I must say that I’m digging the Afro on Oprah.

L-R: Director, Lee Daniel, Oprah Winfrey, Jane Fonda, and Alan Rickman. Daniels is the  mastermind behind the movie “Precious“.The Butler hits theaters in 2013.  Can’t wait to see this movie.

