Missy Elliot Debuts “9th Inning, And “TripleThreat” Song

Missy and Timbaland may have been off the music scene for some time but  the dynamic duo are back with new music and their sure  to leave their music prints  yet again with Missy’s new tracks “9th Inning“, and “Triple Threat

During Missy’s interview with the “breakfast club” earlier today Missy talked about her seven year hiatus [as an artist] from the industry and her new upcoming album.  Take a read at a few of her excerpts and new music below. Be sure to check Missy on BET’s 106th park show at 6:00pm later today as well.

Missy on her absentee from the industry:

“I have Graves Disease. I had hyperthyroids, and therefore I couldn’t record. It’s an auto-immune disease that causes your hair to fall out, eye ball buldges, excessive weight loss, and so many other things.”

“I think Wendy Williams has it [not to speak on anybody else but I think she spoke about it, and Oprah has it and has spoke about it. But Thankfully, for me I don’t have to take ongoing medication.  I did take radiation [which a pill absorption every three days] Normally, people who have the disease they have to take daily medication for the rest of their life but my thyroids have come back and I’m here.”

On Her New Album:

‘I don’t have a date on the album as yet but the singles “9th Inning and “Triple Threat” drops today on itunes.”

The album is produced by her longtime partner Timbaland and Missy says although she has been in the music industry for close to two decades, fans can expect to hear the same heat she’s been delivering prior. Missy has definitely put her staple in the game and I’m exciting to hear what’s she’s bringing on her new album.

Here’s her new tracks

“9th Inning”

“Triple Threat”

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