[News] Comfrey Root An Effective Wound Healer

Comfrey is known by many names, such as the healing herb, the wonder plant, Bruisewort, and Knitbone.  Comfrey is a herb that with  gray/green leaves and pink/magenta buds.According to ancient historians who support the theory of sign and wonders, the union between a Comfrey leaf and its stem is of significant value. The leaf is used to heal open wounds and fix fractured areas of the body as well.

The truth is that some decades ago, scientist have found that there was secret ingredient in the plant called  Alantoin. The content in alantoin [which is in the root of the Comfrey] has great healing power. It has been scientifically proven that this plant heal sores, ulceration, and burns, as well as diverse types of wounds; even those which are difficult to cure [[broken bones, pulled muscle, sprained ankle, busted knee, etc].

When using Comfrey please follow the instructions as directed.

 1) Compasses preparation, infuse 100 02 200g of comfrey root and one liter of water, Seep cold extract for a couple of hours. Soak cotton or gauze compasses in this liquid, and apply them on the affected skin area, changing them two or three times a day.

2)You may also use Poultices with fresh comfrey root, ground or mashed. Change them as two or three times a day.

3)Astringent: due to the content in tanin It dries the mucus and clots capillary vessels. Mouth rinse with comfrey root compasses are recommended for stomatitis, and gingivitis cases.

Warning: The root, stem and the leaves of comfrey are toxic when taken orally. The substance Alkaliod symhytine is present and has a toxic affect on the liver. Another substance is Glycoside called conisolidine, produces paralysis on the central nervous system, and when taken in high doses respiratory failures is also a factor. This is the reason Comfrey root is only applied externally. This information is for educational purposes only. I have seen first hand the miracle of this awesome herb and I would suggest you use it wisely or consult a health practitioner or herbalist before using it.
