Petition Launched To End George Zimmerman & DMX Celebrity Box Match Fight!


George Zimmerman has signed on to fight in a Celebrity Box Match against the chosen contestant  rapper, DMX. According to the news reports, Zimmerman is passionate about the sport and looking to get in shape, and thought this would be a great idea. The fight is scheduled take place on March 5th of this year.

DMX was the chosen winner out of 15,000 contestants and he says he’s ready to in the ring with Zimmerman. The rapper is said to be training very hard for this fight and he tells TMZ that he plans to break all the rules and serve Zimmerman with “royal beaten.

Sidebar: The announcement was aired yesterday [Feb 5th] which is the very same day  Trayvon Martin was born. Talk about perfect timing. I share the same sentiment as Al Sharpton who said:

” We must be very careful not to glorify or in any way side-step the implications of making someone whose only claim to fame was killing an unarmed young man named Trayvon Martin into a cultural celebrity or hero.”

Owner of Celebrity Box Match, Damon Feldman says his intentions for this fight is not motivated for the industry fame. Feldman responded to one of his critics on twitter saying:

” I’ve been in the spotlight for the last year, I’m a undefeated professional fighter also.”

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Given the popularity of this upcoming fight, has launched a petition to end the fight.

” I thought it was a complete demonstration of disrespect to Trayvon’s parents, to Trayvon himself and to the many people who feel impacted by this injustice.

It became clear that people were really outraged by this, so I thought that it would certainly be worthwhile to put up this petition. And I see on his twitter feed that he is trying to create a racialized event. “

DMZ  is currently in”money talks” with CBM network. DMX is seeking to be paid given the popularity of the fight and “the money” that will be generated by others not participate in the fight.

Stay tuned!
