Nothing like a good ole ‘divide and conquer strategy’ to simmer down the tension over #Oscarsowhite controversy. Ladies and Gentlemen fox news delivered another exclusive interview featuring their very own puppeteer ‘Stacey Dash’ [the anti-black woman who by DNA is black, to let you know that why black people should not listen to Jada Pinkett-Smith and WATCH THE OSCARS!
Now this what you call ENTERTAINMENT at its finest. Interestingly, Dash was the right ‘seasoning’ to stir the pot delivering her per usual ‘rhetoric’ on her birthday.
In response to Jada decision not attend or watch the Oscars, Dash said the following:
I Think Its Ludacris, We Have To Make Up Our Minds, We Either Want Separation Or Integration. If We Don’t Want Segregation Then We Have To Get Rid Of BET, The BET Awards and The Image Awards We’re Your Only Awarded If You’re Black. There Shouldn’t Be A Black History Month, We’re Americans Period!
Sidebar: Notice the ending where Dash laughs at the notion that the ratings for the Oscars will go down due to lack of diversity.
Let’s Digest Shall We!
Stacey Dash suggests that we should get rid of black networks yet Stacey Dash works for a network owned by Dana Walden and Gary Newman; two non-black persons, and that just the start of the long list of network shows [Time Warner, CBS, Viacom, Walt Disney, Time Inc, 21st Century Fox, etc] that are owned and controlled by a predominantly white infrastructure.
Since, Stacey decided to speak on people of color, I’m curious to know why she failed to mention the latin network shows in America like Telemundo, NBC Universo, and TLC [that by default of her argument] too should be ax for their ‘separate’ viewership and celebration including the Latin Grammy’s. I’ll hold.
Talk about a racial double standard!
Then, the ‘clueless’ star took a right wing jab at the president, [which was clearly the motive here] only to point out that the president’s donations come from the liberal elites of the entertainment industry, while failing to about mention her contributions to Donald Trump’s campaign. I’ll hold.
Well, folk, Stacey’s actions did not go over over well with her ex-boyfriend Prophet [of the famous ‘Nappy Roots’ hip hop group] and he unleashed some ‘closeted truths’ about the star.
Prophet called out Stacey for turning a blind eye on her own race including their unborn child whom he says Stacey aborted because of self-hatred. He then called out Stacey for BLEACHING her skin; calling it poisonous and demanded that she apologize to the black community.
In his first [now deleted] post, Prophet revealed a message exchange between himself and Stacey where the ‘clueless’ star demanded that he take the post down while remaining unapologetic of what she said in the interview. Prophet deleted the post but of course the Shade-Room had already screen-shot the post.
#RyanProphet ain’t playing with #StaceyDash anymore 😩😩 (view previous post)
A photo posted by The Shade Room (@theshaderoominc) on
In closing Prophet summed up the thoughts of majority of the black diaspora with his most recent post.
A photo posted by R Prophet (@iamrprophet) on
Now, Stacey has yet to comment on her ex, [hmm] but she did fire back at BET for their ‘Can We Get Out Check Back’ post calling the network a liar or sorts that misguides the African American audience. In a blog post, she wrote:
BET lies to American black people by telling them that the rest of America is racist, so stick close to your own kind. Anything that promotes segregation is bad!
My problem goes back to the notion that every area of life needs to break down exactly according to demographic ratios except in those areas in which black people have decided they want to have their own space. I don’t have a problem with black people having their own space. I have a problem with the folks at BET absolutely freaking out when other institutions don’t match up to what they think is best.
Since, Stacey believes that diversity is the way to go and totally acceptable then why does she bleach her skin? I’ll hold…
In a recent interview with Dr. Boyce Watkins, Stacey’s cousin, Damon Dash admitted that his cousin is ‘cooning’ [his actual words] but she’s family nonetheless. Here’s what he had to say.
” You know, I’m used to it. Stacey is always going to say something that evokes emotion and especially when it comes to the culture…. its annoying having a cousin that looks like that, and has an opinion and works for Fox News, ……
I think Fox pays for her to say sh*t that its. I know how Fox is. You know how manipulative they are. I think they wanted her to do something that would invoke conversation and she did it. I’m quite sure it wasn’t done for free. “
In closing, Stacey Dash self-hatred has peaked an all time high but there’s still hope for a change so, I’ll continue to pray that she takes some much needed time to seek self-love before she falls into the deep end of human tragedy.
One Love PLUMS!