Together We Stand, And Together We Can Make Difference
After weeks of protests from student activists [also known as the #ConcernedStudent1950] , and the recent threat of the football team boycott, Missouri University president, Tim Wolfe has resigned from his post. Wolfe is alleged to have ignored numerous complaints about racial encounters [including anti-semitism] on campus grounds this academic year. Chancellor, Bowen Loftin is also said to be resigning from his post amid the misuse of the university’s funding.
The story first prompted national news when student Body President, Patyon Head [who is black] issued a post on social media [back in September] after being called a racial slur by a group of white students [on campus grounds] that later went viral, which then prompted Loftin to issue a swift response .
However, other incidents followed after the summer of 2015. On Oct.5th the Legion Of Black Collegians rehearsal play was interrupted by an intoxicated white male who walked passed them while shouting the N-word. On Oct. 6th, Students and Faculty conducted sit-in protests inside the Jessie study hall . On Oct.8th, the University announced a new rule requiring all incoming freshman’s to take an online diversity training. On Oct.10th during Mizzou’s Homecoming parade, more than a dozen, #ConcernedStudent1950 protestor’s blocked Wolfe’s car,demanding that he address their concerns. Wolfe did not get out of his car.

Last week, Missouri Grad Student, Johnathan Butler [who led the #ConcernedStudent1950 protests] decided to go on a hunger strike. Members of the faculty staff then announced that they too would walk out of the classrooms in solidarity of the protests this week, and then the final ‘nail in the coffin’ was the Missouri football team’s boycott and refusal to play in Saturday’s game against BYU.
On Oct. 20th, ##1950concernedstudent issued a list of demands including the resignation UM’s president Tim Wolfe.
It is quite clear that Wolfe’s imminent resignation came at the result of a huge capital loss that Missouri sought to lose if Saturday’s football game was forfeited in light of the national protests.
Espn says: The two schools signed a contract last year that included a forfeiture penalty of $1million [to be paid in 30 days thereafter] if either side canceled the game for any reason other than war, government restriction or an act of God. In light of Wolfe’s resignation, the football team has confirmed that it will resume practice and play at Saturday’s Game. MU will still have to cough up $250,000 to BYU in light of this controversy.
The Power Of Sports , And Understanding Economics, & Capitalism In America
It is well documented that America has and continues to profit billions at the hands of the black athlete. Prior to Wolfe’s resignation, Dr. Boyce Watkins re-iterated the importance of educating one’s self on U.S. Finance, & Economics .
Let’s face it, Athletes are usually among the silent of these types of protests because they’re often screwed in the system that they ultimately sign up for. Black athletes are recruited very young, and often times are advised to major in less-rigorous degree programs that allows them to put in more time on the field and pass their courses. Many black athletes are subjected go along with the plan because they’re reminded that that their scholarship is what gave them ‘privilege entry’ onto the university campus [ie: Kain Colter] .
If you choose to focus on only playing football, getting the girls and all the other distractions that they put in your face to keep you from being an intelligent black man, you eventually become screwed – Watkins. .
#MizzouHungerStrike, #MizzouFootballStrike
The Black Athlete Is One Of The Biggest Commodities In The War Chest Of Big White Institutions. They [White Guys At The Top , A Few Of Them Black] Make Billions Of Dollars Off Of Black Families Most Of Whom Are In Poverty [Kids Coming From The Hood, etc ] .
The Black Male Athlete Is The Sleeping Giant Of America. They Are The Most Powerful Groups Of People On The Entire Planet. The Biggest Fear Of These Administrators That Run These Systematic Racist Institutions, The Thing That Keeps Them Up At Night, Is What If One Day, These Negroes Actually Get Educated, And Then Gain The Courage To Force Our Hand, When That Happens, Look Out.
Wolfe has accepted full accountability for his inactions and says that his decision was motivated from LOVE, as he explained that the university’s increased tension is because ‘We Stop Listening To Each Other’. Wolfe asked for healing instead of hate post his departure.
Please Always Remember The Power of the People will always be Greater than the People of Power! #ConceredStudent1950 #MizzouFootballStrike
— Lisa Campbell (@LisaCampbell102) November 9, 2015
If ur mad that student athletes #MizzouFootballStrike used their economic influence2alter decisions in management then now u kno how we feel — Bassem Masri (@bassem_masri) November 10, 2015
Hope black @NFL players were inspired by the courage of the #MizzouFootballStrike & recognize the power of their collective 💰for justice
— MichaelaAngela Davis (@MichaelaAngelaD) November 10, 2015
My thoughts on #ConcernedStudent1950 #MizzouHungerStrike #MizzouFootballStrike — Lucas Vincent (@CoachLVincent) November 9, 2015
One Love PLUMS !