RACIST NBA owner, Donald Sterling has finally decided to speak the press and he unleashed his some harsh statements towards Magic Johnson.
Let me start by saying that I watched the full interview with Mr. and Mrs.Sterling and I am responding particular to this part of the interview because Magic’s picture with V. Stiviano [mistress of Sterling] was the main cause of Sterling racists comments towards ‘black people’ and yet he denied that he was a RACIST to Anderson Cooper.
Sidebar: I am not buying the Sterling’s argument that they are not RACISTS. As a wife, you of all people should know the actions and beliefs of your husband. Mrs. Sterling is in denial to public announce that she doesn’t know her husband to be a racist; white noting that he has dementia. And for Donald to say that he doesn’t speak of black people this way yet make such APPALLING remarks [listed below] speaks VOLUMES as to why he [and MANY OTHERS IN DISGUISE] are RACISTS.
Here’s what Sterling had to say about Magic Johnson:
” He acts so holy. He made love to every girl, in every city in America, and he had AIDS. And when he had those AIDS, I went to the Synagogue and I prayed for him and hoped he could be live and be well. “
” I didn’t criticize him and I could have. Is he an example for children? Because he has money he’s able to treat himself. Big Magic Johnson- what is he done? … He’s got AIDS. Did he do any business ? Did he hep anybody in South LA? “
” Is that someone we want to respect and tell our kids about. I think he should be ashamed of himself I think he could should go into the background. But what does he for the black people. He doesn’t do nothing; it’s all talk. ”
Sidebar: One would say that Sterling is criticizing and making judgments in his statement? And let’s reverse roles here. What kind of example is Donal Sterling. The billionaire spent MILLIONS on his mistress, his wife is currently suing his mistress for taking advantage of their wealth but because he was caught with one and not countless others he is a better role model than Magic and should be forgiven. Hypocrite!
Anderson Cooper interrupts and asks Sterling: So are you saying that African Americans don’t contribute to African American communities as much as Jewish people?
Sterling responds: There’s no African -American’s…..uh… never mind, I’m Sorry! You know, they all want to play Golf with me. Everybody wants to be with me. I just don’t think he’s a good example for the children of Los Angeles… that he would go and do what he did and get AIDS. What does he do. He works for the Dodgers. You know what I do! I spend MILLIONS on giving to the minorities.
Then Sterling drops another bombshell:
” When Jews get successful, they will help their people and I may get in trouble again for say this but some of the African Americans they don’t want to help anybody “
Sidebar: Are we talking about Black Jews or White Jews Sterling? Hmm! I’m surprise he didn’t elaborate further on the history of that. With that said there is a conversation that must had about the ongoing void of ‘giving back’ that black celebrities are guilty of, but there are many black people [excluding Magic who has done ALOT] who are not in the spotlight of fame who do more in helping and empowering their communities and unfortunately the media does little to give recognition thus the reason for Sterling and the public consensus beliefs.
Sterling is alleged to have dementia yet he knew so much about Magic’s history and why he is not a great role model.
Magic Responded with the following tweet:
” I’d rather be talking about how great the NBA playoffs are then Donald Sterling’s interview”
Donald Sterling has been banned for life from the NBA, rejected by at least eight big law firms [whom he tried to seek for hire in his quest to sue the NBA] because of Sterlings ‘toxic views’ which in turn is bad for clients [some of whom are black people] and business overall.
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