Watch Out Now!
Elle Varner is bringing the heat on her new album. The singer has unveiled another single off her highly anticipated sophomore album and like the fans I have deemed it #PLUM CERTIFIED!
If there’s one thing people must know and that is ” DON’T PLAY WITH A WOMAN’S HEART “.
Elle is taking no punches on the new album and she’s dishing ALOT. In the new track entitled “F–K IT All” Elle releases all of her feelings; having invested so much into a relationship that was said to be promising she sings:
Got My Heart On The Edge Of My Feet/
Don’t Want To Break It/ Anymore Than It Already Is/
Pieces Of Me On The Floor/…
I Won”t Let This Rob Me Of My Joy/
I Got Re-Install/
So I Say/
F–K It All All Over/
Listening to Elle reminds many of us [whether we like to deal with the reality of “ what is “] we all must go through the challenges of life, love, [whether good or bad] that approaches us on our journey of life. However, its okay to just say ‘F–k It All‘ at times.