[Sneek Peak] Tina Campbell Rethinks Marriage Reconciliation After Husband Latest Infidelity Confession!


By now we’ve all heard and or seen about the drama unfolding from Tina and Eddie’s marriage on Wetv’s  ‘Mary Mary‘ reality show. In the third season, Tina was very open about her ‘marriage woes‘ and informed the public that her husband had participated in a long-standing extra-martial affair and they have decided to reconcile.

In episode 5 [which aired last week]  Eddie decided to reveal all of his marriage secrets to Tina quoting that he had “countless affairs ” during their 13-year marriage.


The news devastated Tina which resulted in her absence from her neice and nephew’s baptism and later an emotional break-down in episode 6 as she reveals the added information to her family.

As Tina explains:

” Episode 6. All  I could say is that this is a massive emotional roller coaster for me. I think the greatest display of emotions that the world have ever seen; even my immediate family. I was overwhelmed and you’ll see why if you keep watching.”

” Me husband and I made a decision that I would forgive him. I would require more of him than he ever bargain for. They [Ebony Mag] did an incredible job. They did tell my story with alot of ‘class‘ and ‘dignity‘ but my heart is so heavy… The world is going to know I have a busted life.”

” I felt very confident with my decision to go public because I believe with everything in me that we could heal and get through it. Then, I find out there was more unfaithfulness, I don’t want to do this in public now because I’m not healing. “

” I don’t want to hold onto somebody that I cannot trust.  I’ve tried from the very beginning. you going to keep adding people. I just though we had a good life just like everybody else watching. I have to find out in front of the whole  got ‘DANG‘ world that all of my life was a LIE. “

” I feel ‘negative’ right now…. I never kissed another man, I never went out with another man, I never entertained the wrong conversation, I never in my head cheated.. I never did anything. I was a hundred and ninety percent and this is what you did the whole time I was gone on the road…..”

” I was good to you….I don’t want him, he don’t deserve me. I had hope when all this started. When I let the whole world know about it.  I thought we was healing. You can’t keep telling me stuff [in bits] you tell me one thing then two months, then another week… that’s too much for anybody. I’m angry right now! “

Marriage surely comes with its sacrifices. What will Tina do? Keep watching to find out. Mary Mary air on Wednesdays at 9pm est.
