After 12 Years A Slave took home the Oscar win for best motion picture the book and movie has started to generate an increase of sales. According to the Associated Press,
” The film [which was directed by Steve McQueen] and stars, Chitwetel Ejiofor, Lupita Nyongo, Brad Pitt, and more is among last year’s most highly praised releases; the first film directed by a black person to win an Oscar for best picture. “
The 19th-century memoir by ex-slave Solomon Northup [a movie based on the true story of how a free -born Northup was kidnapped and forces into slavery. jumped from No.326 on Amazon.com before Sunday’s night Academy Awards ceremony to No. 19 on Monday afternoon [March 3rd] .
In addition, the movie’s success, and interest in the the book has been revived and public high schools are starting to add it to course lists.
Credit: Associated Press, CTV News