T.I And Tiny Respond To Divorce Rumors!


Celebrity couple,  T.I and Tiny wound up in a growing ‘rumor’ over the ‘GRAMMY‘ weekend. Word spread around the internet globe that the rapper and his wife were headed for splits-ville after the two were seen partying in separate venues the weekend .

The couple had made some questionable messages on their instagram pages. By the commentary some people suggest that T.I is in the dog house for allegedly “cheating ” on his wife with his artist, Iggy Azalea.

T.I.- IGGY Azalea-thatplum

Here’s what Tiny posted:


Then T.I. posted:

T.I-respond to -divorce-rumors- thatplum

The couple dismissed the rumors. T.I spoke with TMZ and stated that the two are not splitting up. T.I went on to say that a “foolish” argument between he and Tiny ensued over his refusal to attend the Grammy’s.

We challenged each other on who would have more fun that night. The next morning we, mended fences said T.I . “

There you have it people.

