Jay-Z’s, Rocnation label has signed some new acts and their said to be one of great talent and musical background. The indie group entitled “Wardell“, is a brother and sister combo of Theo and Sasha Speilberg; children of Oscar -winning filmmaker Steven Speilberg’s & Kate Capshaw’s children .
” Born and raised in LA Theo And Sasha say the only thing that separated the two was a bedroom wall. In a recent interview with shopghost, Theo says that there were so many opportunities to make music together throughout their lives. Theo originated a band during his high school years, and while Sasha was a passionate music lover she was often timid of the spotlight and watching from a distance. Sasha could no longer hold back and told her brother she wanted to part of the band and the rest is history. Sasha started off playing background vocals and the two worked together up through college. Post college, Sasha and Theo joined musical forces, began writing songs, and now they’re ready to embark on their music industry debut. “
As for the group’s name, Sasha explains:
” We were originally called Brother/Sister. There’s actually a soul band with a similar name. But anyway, there are too many brother-sisters in the world, so we changed it Wardell [which also Theo’s middle name]. “
So what can we expect from their sound:
“It’s more of an asthestic vibe says Wardell.”
Be sure to check out Wardell’s Brother/Sister EP on itunes now, and get ready to hear more music from