In last night’s episode, the show centered on Nicci Gilbert new fashion line “Curvato“, Keke Wyatt’s continued self -esteem struggles, and a little mother and child bonding with all of the cast members.
Lets start wiht Nicci. Nicci [former singer of Brownstone] finally gets make hers a dream a reality with the unveiling of her new fashion line. The name Curvato comes from the latin meaning “Curves” and the catch phrase of the line is “Skinny Don’t Mean Pretty” Nicci talked about the line’s inspiration and having to undergo a tummy tuck at the age of 24 due to the pressures of the music industry. Nicci has been working on the line for several years now and is ready to make her debut launch with the help of her cast mates who help nicc pick out a few curvacious models for the fashion show.
Keke Wyatt in this episode recognizes that she has a self-esteem issue but somehow is not quite ready to deal with that issue. Keke and her husband [Michael] are LITERALLY like BFF’s; they go everywhere together [including girl night outings] and unfortunately Michael is force to play TAG- A- LONG because Nicci is in constant fear that if her husband hangs out with others, he eventually will cheat on her as her prior boyfriend.
Sidebar: Isn’t Michael a soon-to-be minister? Not to dismiss the fact that not all church members are as holy as they appear but one would assume that if Mrs Wyatt can’t trust the word of her minister husband [who says he’s devoutely commited to the LORD] , then that speaks volumes to her self-esteem and their relationship. Hoping for the best!
Lastly, the cast members [all of whom are mothers] get to have bonding moment with their children at Nicci’s Fashion Show/ Brunch event. Faith Evans was in for a big surprise when her daughter made the finale walk in the show after telling Faith that she was unable to make the event.
By far one of the most positive reality shows on television. In case you missed it, Here’s episode 2.
Watch episode 2
Here’s a few bonus tracks below:
In speaking of the new album and the importance of keeping R&NB relevance Faith Evans says:
I’m extremely excited about executive producing this Faith Evans R&B Divas album and working beside some of the premiere female R&B vocalists of our generation,” says Faith in a statement. “I’m also proud to honor to my dear friend and music Icon, Ms. Whitney Houston and give back to the community in doing my part to help save performing arts in schools. Making this album has been an incredible experience, and every true fan of R&B music will be touched by these beautiful songs of love, hope and triumph!”
Another Bonus: R&B Divas [all members] “Lovin Me” which is the theme song of the show: