[Video] Oprah Speaks Out About Trayvon Martin Death: “It’s A Tragedy And A Shame”

The death of Trayvon Martin continues to gain world-wide attention and their is overwhelming outpour for justice in the senseless killing of the 17-year-old.

Oprah Winfrey has recently spoke out against this crime in an exclusive interview with AJ Calloway of ‘Extra’. Oprah affirms that this is not a black or white issue, ‘so many people’ of all shades are fighting for due process in this case.

It is a tragedy and it is a shame that we’re sitting here 33 days later and there hasn’t been an arrest, or questioning of what actually happened. It’s a tragedy and it is a shame and we all know it.

I saw some people on Twitter saying nothing has changed, the same thing’s going on. Lots has changed and you know why? Because black people, white people, brown people, yellow people all over this country and all over the world are saying the same thing… it’s a tragedy and it’s a shame and justice needs to be served.

Watch the full interview below:

Amen to that Oprah! People of all shades have been demanding justice from the very beginning and even more so now after audio and video release contradicts Zimmerman’s claim of self defense, and new information which indicates Zimmerman’s parents [one who’s a judge and the other a retired clerk] are part of the judicial process, hence the reason why the the so called “watchmen” is not getting charged with the crime.

Oprah also stated that she would like to speak with Zimmerman so we have outlined ten questions that Oprah can probe Zimmerman about.

1. Zimmerman claims to have scuffled with Trayvon before pulling the trigger! Well, the autopsy revealed ‘no physical markings’ on his body .

2. Zimmerman’s arrest video. No markings present at all. SUSPECT!! Keep in mind people Zimmerman took no mugshot while in custody The mugshot photo of zimmerman floating around is from his prior arrest. Police say its for Zimmerman’s safety since this is now a high profile case.

Zimmerman Arrest Video 

Sidenote: Umh! Conrad Murray received no privacy while on trial for Michael Jackson despite his public plea.

3. Zimmerman says he lost sight of Martin and was walking back to his SUV when he was confronted and punched by Trayvon. When was this? Where is the 911 recordings of this event. We hear audio of everything else from the time Trayvon walks into the complex and then later when he was shot.

4. The 911 tape recordings. There were a few key bleeps/burbs removed from the tape. For instance. Zimmerman commenting: They — always get away!. Who are the they that Zimmerman is referring to? Who know’s there just might a term that watchmen used to spot a crook! So why was bleeped out?

5. Why did Zimmerman disobey police orders? He was told that police were on their way and he was to stay put. In the audio Zimmerman tells the 911 rep “Can I call you back and let you where I am? Interesting response! Zimmerman was in his car he could’ve of easily closed his windows or simply drove off if Trayvon was approaching him as he suggests.


6. The two key witnesses [the neighbors who called the police after hearing the shot and walked outside to Zimmerman whom they say appeared to be state of panic and shock as if he did something wrong. Not to mention that the lead investigator who openly stated that he wanted to arrest Zimmerman the night of murder.


7. Zimmerman’s response to the murder to his best friend. “I thought this will all blow away – says Zimmerman! REALLY? Zimmerman speaks as if this was just another day in the neighborhood. Then again it very well could be for him!

8. Zimmerman’s prior arrest record [that were closed somehow]. Zimmerman was previously arrested for domestic violence, and two occasions including resisting an officer w/o violence and later assaulting a police officer with violence — a felony charge that surely could have landed him in prison. All three arrests were thrown out! Now we see how Zimmerman got approval to carry a license 9mm handgun.

9. His role as a watchmen? What clarified him as a watchmen? His prior arrest history clearly shows that Zimmerman was unqualified for the job. Zimmerman lacks major credibility here.

10. Who called for help? Zimmerman or Trayvon? Zimmerman says he was calling for help yet Zimmerman admits to officers that he was following Trayvon meanwhile Trayvon’s girlfriend [who was on the phone with Trayvon while he was being followed said she told Trayvon run].The girlfriend’c cell phone records need to be brought into evidence and the tape recordings need to be re-examined.

Stay tuned people? We will keep you posted as more details unfold.
