[Video] Rapper, 50 Cent Starts Hunger Campaign To End Somalia Famine

50 cent is on a world mission to bring awareness and fight hunger in Somalia. 50 cent’s first embarked on this mission last year when he decided to launch an initiative in support of World Food Day entitled “Hustle With 50 Cent.” The goal was met and earlier this year hip-hop mogul millionaire partnered up with World Food Program (WFP) to see firsthand the effects of hunger in Somalia and Kenya and potentially end the devastating famine in Somalia.

The visit surely impacted 50 cent outlook on life.

It enlightened me in different ways,”…To actually see people under the circumstances that I saw was a totally different experience. I don’t think you can prepare yourself for that, no matter how many times you’ve seen the images.

WFP was skeptical about working with 50 cent initially because of his bad boy persona and therefore questioned his motives but 50 cent assured them thats he wants his legacy to be more than the music he puts out.

I want to be more, not just as an artist but as a person. My legacy…what’s left behind. I don’t want to be a guy who’s just remembered for writing a few cool songs

Watch the video below:

An ABC reporter journey’s with 50 cent to Somalia and to their surprise they witness a different side the rapper. Who’d of thought that 50 cent actually has a soft side. The rapper is seen dancing, playing, and interacting with the residents, serving food, and later displaying his ‘shyness ‘ as one resident tries to get him to sing one of his songs.

“Tens of thousands of women and children have fled to Somalia to flee a devastating famine that killed tens of thousands of people across Somalia” reports WFP.

The Associated Press reported that “The U.N. last week declared an end to Somalia’s six-month famine, though it said tens of thousands of people still need food aid to survive. The British government estimates that between 50,000 and 100,000 people died from the famine’s effects”.

50 has donated over 3.5 million dollars to Somalia to cause to date and says that he will continue this mission as he hopes to inspire his celebrity friends and others to join him on the mission to fight hunger in Somalia and or engage in philanthropy work.
