Erica Mena Says She Was Misrepresented On Love and Hip-Hop Show

On Monday Love and Hip-hop introduced us to new cast member and model, Erica Mena. Like most reality shows, new members join the show and they seem pretty innocent at first, but soon after their past and previous lives are exposed, we realize why their casted in the first place.

According to Erica Mena, someone has it our for her, and she feels that her appearance on the reality has jeopardized her modeling career, says TMZ. What? I thought Erica was transitioning her career from modeling to singing? Isn’t that why she was meeting with Yandy in the first place?

Well, Erica says that she made numerous attempts to prevent VH1, from airing Monday’s episode which showed a ‘not so nice’ Erica bullying Kimbella, leading the two into a bloody altercation.

Recap video of Erica & Kimbella fight:

Erica quoted the following: “My whole image in my career is now affected by this. I wanted them to pull this clip because I don’t want to show this side of me.” Clearly, VH1 refused.

However, Erica remains unapologetic for how she treated Kimbella. In an interview with VIBE magazine last month Erica stated the following:

“Even Kimbella has a story of her own to tell. She has the rags-to-riches story and basically she got lucky and sucked the right d*ck but she has her own story to tell. I have my story to tell. So at the end of the day, it’s unfortunate having what happened to us.”

Welcome to the real world folks. Reality shows are entertainment shows. No entertainment, no ratings.


