As the saying goes “A picture can mean a thousand words”.
When the media first caught a photograph of Jay-Z alongside Russell Simmons, Jay was instantly praised for his support of the OCCUPY movement but it looks like Jay-Z will not be getting an ‘ENCORE’ on this one.
Inspired by the Occupy movement, Rocawear decided to create t-shirts with ‘Occupy All Streets’ stamps. The t-shirts sales launched on Friday Nov 11. but Rocawear immediately wnet under fire and criticized after Rocawear made this announcement:
“Rocawear strongly encourages all forms of constructive expression, whether it be artistic, political or social. ‘Occupy All Streets’ is our way of reminding people that there is change to be made everywhere, not just on Wall Street. At this time we have not made an official commitment to monetarily support the movement.”
Well some supporters are now upset with Jay-Z and one of the OCCUPY Wall Street leaders had this to say:
“Jay-Z, as talented as he is, has the political sensibility of a hood rat and is a scrotum. To attempt to profit off of the first important social moment of 50 years with an overpriced piece of cotton is an insult to the fight for economic civil rights known as #occupywallstreet.”
Given the controversy, Rocawear has now removed the $22 dollar t-shirts from their website but the t-shirts are not fully removed from the shelves. Rumor has that Jay-Z is in talks with his mentor Russell Simmons regarding next steps of action.
Do you think Jay should share the profits with the Occupy Wall Street movement?
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