Hundreds Of Thousands Unfold At Women’s March After The Presidential Inauguration

PC: blog supporter

“We Will Not Go Back From A Nation Of Immigrants, To A Nation Of Ignorance ” – America Ferrera

Donald Trump was inaugurated (Jan. 20th) as our 45th president of the United States. While many of us [anti-trump supporters] were dreading the day when Trump would be sworn in as the new leader and command of the country, it was crystal clear that this was no illusion folks.

This was no nightmare, that we’d hope to awaken from, Barack Obama’s eight-year term has officially ended, and presidential power has been transferred to the Trump administration. It took all of 16 minutes of Trump’s acceptance speech to remind us all that REALITY has set in, and ” Mr.Bigly “ has taken his seat at the oval office.

While this was a victorious celebration for others, this was a sorrow and devastating blow for many who have not forgotten Trump’s nationalist campaign rhetoric about women, immigrants, his repeal of planned parenthood, roe-vs.wade, healthcare, and more. 

Women’s March Protest, D.C.  PC: blog supporter

Today [Jan. 21st 2017] WOMEN set history in record breaking numbers in opposition of Trump’s presidency and American policies that do not define the fabric of America.

I’ve Never Seen Such A March!  

Massive crowds and marches state to state and across the coast from dawn til nightfall. COver 100,000 protestors marched in Boston and Chicago, and more than half a million protestors gathered separately in Washington D.C and Los. Angeles. According to news reports more than 3 million protestors took to the streets today.

PC: @jrbates

The spirit and tone of the Women’s March was reminiscent of the marches in the 1960’s with larger turnouts. Chicago enormous rally provoked government officials to cancel the march due to the large overcrowds that flooded the downtown district of Obama’s hometown.

Hundreds of thousands of women and some men marching in SOLIDARITY in several states FIGHTING BACK and demanding equality on all fronts to be acknowledged. The respect for Civil Rights, Women’s Employment Wage, Reproductive Rights, Immigration Rights, and Sexual Rights was echoed throughout the world today. 

“We Are Here To Be Respected, And Our P***IES Are Not For Grabbing ” – Ashley Judd

Women’s March Protest, L.A PC: blog supporter
Women’s March Protest, NYC 📷: @azeen @MaryKJacob @remysmidt)
Women’s March Protest, D.C Beverly Bond, GloriaSteinm & MichaelaAngelaD PC: blog supporter
Women’s March Protest, D.C PC: blog supporter
Women’s March Protest, PC: blog supporter

Women’s March Protest, D.C. PC: Angela Peoples
Women’s March Protest, Paris

Women’s March Protest, Paris

PC: blog supporter


Women’s March Protest L.A Willow Smith  – PC: blog supporter
Women’s March Protest, NYC
Women’s March Protest, South Africa Capetown
Women’s March in D.C PC: blog supporter
PC: blog supporter

One Love PLUMS!

