Jada Pinkett-Smith Response To OscarSnub + MLK Reference + Janet Hubert’s Foolish Rant

jada pinkett smith white dress ap

The #OscarsSoWhite hashtag has become more than a popular statement in recent days and while the verdict has not been reversed over the absence of black directors and actors in the nomination category, the question that is now up for debate is – Will You Be Watching?

Over the weekend, actress Jada Pinkett-Smith issued a video where she asked [people of color] to stop begging for acknowledgement.

Now many people [including people of color] care less about Jada’s stance on not attending/watching the show; calling her and Will  ‘Hollywood Family’ [est.worth of 300 million] and criticizing her for deciding to speak out because Will was NOT nominated. Janet Hubert [whose still in her feelings and upset at Will] is one of them.

I finally took a watch at the video and I clearly see how the MEDIA once again twisted the story for their own propaganda agenda. Before I get into my thoughts about this, lets take a read at what Jada said.

Today is Martin Luther King’s birthday, and I can’t help but ask the question:

Is It Time That People Of Color Recognize How Much Power and Influence That We Have Amassed That We No longer Need To Ask To Be Invited Anywhere?

I ask the question? Have we now come to a new time and place where we recognize that we can no longer beg for the love, acknowledgement, or respect of any group and that maybe its time that we recognize that if we love, respect and acknowledge ourselves the way we are asking others to – that is the place of true power.

I’m simply asking the question!

Here’s what I believe. The academy has the right to acknowledge whoever they choose, to invite whoever they choose, and now I think it is our responsibility to make the change. Maybe it is time that we pull back our resources and we put them back into our communities and into our programs and we make programs for ourselves that acknowledge us in ways we see fit that is just as good as the so called ‘mainstream’ ones. I don’t know.

But here’s what I do know.

Begging for acknowledgment diminishes ‘DIGNITY’ and it diminishes POWER! And we are a dignified people, and we are powerful, so let the academy do them with all grace and love and lets do us differently. I got nothing but love.

Hey Chris [Rock] I won’t be at the academy this year and I won’t be watching but I can’t think of a better man at hand to do the job this year. To the rest of you – nothing but love for you always! – Jada


All I’ve been hearing in the media headlines these past few days is – JADA CALLS FOR A BOYCOTT OF THE OSCARS.  Really? Jada simply stated that SHE was not attending . Last time I checked, asking a question, or raising awareness is not ILLEGAL nor does it warrant an online CRUCIFIXION from people who dislike the question.

Yes, Jada and Will have made millions over the years from Hollywood films, but let’s not forget that they didn’t just sit on their asses and collect a paycheck.

And what does her estimated worth have to do with this argument! Jada is rich –  so therefore she’s NOT entitled to speak on this issue. If Jada had not spoken,  she would still have her riches.

‘Oh Now She Wants To  Speak Up Because Her Husband Was Not Nominated’ – said one critic. I didn’t know there was a silent rule for women that suggests once you become married, you need permission from your ‘husband’ to speak on any issues that involve him.

Whether you agree or disagree with Jada is not the objective here. Spike Lee, Tyrese, Snoop Dog, and others decision to NOT attend is not based on Jada’s opinion, but one of personal choice and the same goes for those who will be ATTENDING the Oscars despite the ‘elephant in the room’.


The other criticism was about Jada’s MLK reference at the start of the video while asking for separate movement that is owned and controlled by people of color. Since we’re speaking on the legacy of ‘MLK’ lets not forget his fears of integration in America which he called a ‘burning house’.

Harry Belafonte recalled an intimate conversation he had with Dr. King which he wrote in an essay.

I remember that the last time we were together at my home, shortly before he was murdered. He seemed quite agitated and preoccupied, and I asked him what the problem was and he responded:

‘I Fear, I Am Integrating My People InTo A Burning House’ – Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King

I’ve come upon something that disturbs me deeply – he said. We have fought hard and long for integration, as I believe we should and I know that we will win. But I’ve come to believe we’re integrating into a burning house. Full read HERE

Belafonte then asks so what should we do then? MLK replied:

‘Become The Fireman, Let Us Not Stand By And Let The House Burn’.

Hint Hint. There’s a strong correlation in what MLK said then and what Jada is saying now. While MLK had his fears, it did not stop him from pushing for progress and equal rights for people of color. This incident may have been the final evidence Jada ‘needed to see’ to speak out against  her ‘Hollywood family’ and call for a change that ‘levels the playing field’ , so KUDOS to her.

One Love PLUMS!
