Columbus Short Breaks His Silence. Talks Bar Fight, Divorce Drama, & The Fate Of His Return To ABC’s Scandal show


Columbus Short career took a huge nose dive this year following numerous leaked reports of his ‘pending divorce’ from his eight-year marriage and his alleged ‘bad boy’ persona outside of the movie arena.

Short shot to fame after his debut on the box office hit movie ‘Stomp The Yard’ back. He went on to star in blockbuster films, ‘Armored’, ‘This Christmas’ ‘You’ve Got Served’ ‘Cadillac Records’, ‘Losers’  and later landed a starring role on ABC’s  Scandal hit show.

While Short’s character Harrison Wright seems to be up in the air in the season’s finale episode, Short was sure to return for the upcoming fourth season but his off screen ‘Scandal’ began to overshadow his public image and Short was axed from the show earlier this summer.

In a recent interview with V103 ‘ The People’s Station ‘  Short opened up for the first time about his personal drama, the untruths of the recent rumors surrounding his ‘anger’ and  ‘hand problem’,  and the fate of his return to Scandal.

Short admits to being a hot head but FIRMLY admits that he is NOT a woman beater .

On Keeping Silent Until Now:

“It’s so crazy, being on a show about crisis management, I find myself in a crisis management myself. But I think it’s a two hander. It’s her people [soon to be ex-wife] and my people. There was a scorn person, a hurt person, and in the loss of a relationship…it’s ugly warfare and it’s deterring. It was affecting my job, my career, and that was the crutch of it all . There’s ALOT of personal stuff going on in the house and the games that were being played ended up being costly.

” These allegations that I am an ABUSER… I never put my hands on a woman in my entire life so it was hard for me to sit back and be quiet.  If your accused of rape, no matter what… your accused of rape. Sponsorships will back off, ABC backed away. There was a barrage of stories that had come out. ABC was trying to hold on as long as they could, but it was getting bad. “

On The Fake Stories That Are Fabricated In The Media:

” I’m a hot headed individual, just by nature I would NEVER put my hands on a woman but with MEN..they test you. Where I come from that’s how I had to defend myself. I’m  a played back dude but I don’t play NO games. “

  On The Recent Bar Fight:

“I had to defend my wife at the bar. This man was being highly defensive. Slapping twenty-dollar bills at her face.  He [the defendant] is my nephew’s Uncle. He was being very disrespectful; saying things  to her like I know your man has more money than but I have this… and I let it go on for some time.. and then

” I let myself down. This is not just hurting me, but my kids, my family,
Scandal family. It’s hurting ALOT of people. However I believe that all things are possible with Christ and it’s redemption time. “

Short is gearing up to release his first EP. Yes, Short is also a  singer.

On His New EP Short says:

” We’re blazing it up right now so there is no definitive date but we coming. “
