Barbara Walters Send Off Moves Her To Tears – Oprah Winfrey, Lisa Lang, & More Pay Tribute!


Barbara Walters bid farewell after serving over 50 years on television on Friday [May 16th] on abc’s hit show “The View” show. Barbara was in for the shock of her life as many notable women in broadcasting came together to celebrate her contribution and success in the field of journalism, television and new.

It was a moving celebration as her co-host Whoopi Goldberg, Jenny McCarthy, Sheri Shepherd spoke of their fondest moments with Barbara while bringing previous View co-hosts; Joy Behar, Elizabeth Hasselback, Star Jones, Meredith Viera, Lisa Lang, and, Rosie Odonnell to share their stories as well.

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Oprah Winfrey appeared on the show  pretty much summed it for all the women who have and or looking to pursue a career in broadcasting and journalism.

” I had to come for your last show to celebrate you because what you have meant to me. You literally meant the world to me, and this world. The truth is there are so many things I want to say but there isn’t enough time to say them all.  Like everyone else I want to thank you for being a pioneer and everything that word means. It means being the first. The first in the room, the first to knock on doors to break the barriers, to pave the road that we all walk on.”

” I thank you for that. I thank you for the courage that it took to get up and keep doing it… during the days world news tonight and your co-anchor didn’t want you to sit there, I thank you for getting up everyday and sitting in that chair.”

” As you embark on this next chapter of your life. I wish for you all that you wished for me at I want you to rest. I want you to have everything your heart desires. You deserve it. “

Take a watch at the farewell below:
