On Monday [July 1st] many of us who watched Love & Hip Hop Atlanta on VH1 watched painfully as Kirk Frost [husband of co-star Rasheeda] openly engaged in adultery while married during a weekend trip with friends Benzino, and singer Bobby-V. Since the start of season two, Kirk and Rasheeda marriage was seem to be on the rocks after Rasheeda revealed to Kirk that she was “preggers” and “keeping the child“. Well, after fifteen[15] years of marriage Kirk first asked his wife to get an “abortion” , then when she wouldn’t he then requested a “paternity test“.
Sidebar: Look a Kirk’s face – he clearly looks unhappy.
Clearly, Kirk’s new and strange behavior put a strain on their marriage but Kirk added more fuel the couple’s ‘marital issues’ and decided to have a threesome with two other women on national television. SMH! As you may recall, Kirk was bashed left and right for his “foul” behavior from [mostly women] on every major social media outlet; even Nicki Minaj weighed in saying:
Following Monday nights episode, Rasheeda called into WGCI’s Tony Sculfield/ Morning Riot radio show to talk about the state of her marriage. Take a read at the excerpts below:
On Whether She Has Forgiven Kirk For His Extra-martial affairs:
“Um- you know what…. You try to forgive but you can’t forget! It’s like, I’m at a place where I’m like – WOW, you really went there with me. But I’m a woman with child and I’m not going to overstress myself or overwhelm myself. Am I standing there saying: baby yes, C’mon, I’m cool and I forgive everything – hell no.”
On Her Thoughts Of Kirk Hinting That The Two Are Now ‘Friends’ And Not Together While Married:
“And that is correct .Right now at this very moment – he is working hard in getting back in my good graces. I’m Just keeping it 100.”
On Her Thoughts On Kirk’s Stance Of Not Being Involved In The Child’s Life:
“To me I look at it like this – That would be something that he [Kirk] and Lord will have to deal if he decide that he doesn’t want to be in the child’s life. At the end of the day your in a marriage, your in a commitment, and just because 11 or 12 months ago you was with it and then decided [a little bit later] you don’t want to do it, doesn’t mean anything to me because a man ain’t carrying the baby, the man ain’t doing none of those type of things. So I feel like in a marriage – you compromise. That’s what a relationship is all about . An regardless of the time for what we going through now -we both said we wanted another kid so at the end of the day if it happens when it happens then let the Lord do its work and be prom and happy.”
On Working Professionally While Going Through The Marriage:
“You know what – its just trying to make it work….With all the business that’s we have. We have a couple of companies that we’ve partnered with. So you can’t just cut those ties off and say I’m mad at you or our marriage is having problems so forget our business. And things start to fall to the waist-side which don’t make now sense. We do have bills and kids that have to be taken care of.”
On If She’s Worried Now That Kirk Threatened To Take Her Name Off Their Business Accounts:
“See I’m not even worried about that cause when your a boss b*tch – you got your own bread [cash].”
Rasheeda then offers advice to other married women. Take a listen at the full interview below:
Bonus: Rasheeda’a new video “Hit It From The Back”