Who is Nicki Minaj New Mystery Man?


Nicki Minaj reportedly broke -up with longtime boyfriend Safaree [aka Scaff Breezy] and sating a new man. The mystery man was spotted leaving New York’s famous Katsuya restaurant with Minaj earlier with a bodyguard in tow. Now, this rumor has bee flaming across the internet waves, since Nicki is often in attendance [EVERYWHERE] with Safaree [who also serves as her hypeman]  and now recently she’s been spotted with this mystery man instead.

So who is this mystery man?

That has yet to be determined. All we know is he loves to wear NY hats and he has killer dress swag similar to Nicki; donning in all the latest designer fashions .

Sidebar: I think it’s pretty harmless for Nicki to have dinner with the opposite sex [especially since she’s technically single in the eyes of the law. ]I also reviewed the photos carefully, and noticed that Nicki was wearing the “alleged engagement ring” that Safaree had gifted her with last year. So, I’m not fully convinced to what all the fuss is about.

Nicki and Safaree was spotted together on New Year’s Eve At Pure Nightclub in Las Vegas but either of the two have release an official public statement about their relationship so the verdict is still out on this one.

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In the meantime get a look at the photos that were captured from the “dinner rendevous” below:

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Nicki will debut her first appearance as an American Idol judge next week Monday [Jan. 13th]  Stay tuned folks.
