Ryan Leslie Ordered To Pay 1 Million For His Laptop!

Ask and You Shall Receive!

Sometime in 2010 music artist, Ryan Leslie reported his laptop stolen in Germany. Obviously, Leslie’s laptop contained much valuables [including unpublished music, personal files, etc], and the singer was determined to recover his lost possession. Therefore Leslie issued a PSA video [via youtube] where he offered up a $20,000 award in exchange for his laptop. Clearly, the offer was not enough for the robber to come forward , so Leslie upped the award amount to a whopping 1 million dollars instead.

Well, that surely motivated the culprit to come forward!

A German man name Armin Augstein allegedly found the laptop haphazardly while waking his dog [which I don’t believe but anyway] and turned it into the police department who then returned the laptop back to Leslie. The issue now is that Leslie now refuses to fork over the cash [as he promised]. The New York Post reports:

 A New York City jury, who originally sent a note to the presiding judge that they thought “1 million was too high” and offered to negotiate a lower reward amount, was told to keep deliberating, and eventually found Ryan Leslie in contempt and ordered him to pay Mr. Augstein the promised $1 million.

In the words of the Pussycat Dolls: “Careful What You Ask For Because You Just Might Get It!
