[News Of The Day] Meat-Related Cancers

According to studies conducted in Uruguay,  the most risk factor for Cancer of the Mouth and Pharynx is eating salted or cured meat. Drinking alcoholic beverage and smoking is also risk factors.
Meat is not essential in the human diet. The benefits of not include meat in your daily meals, far outweigh its presence.

Colon Cancer, This information is the result of a broad statistical study done at the School of Public Health at Harvard University(Massachusetts USA). Eating 600 grams(1.32 pounds) of red meat, but not white meat(chicken and fish) triples the amount of Nitrous compound in the feces, which would explains the carcinogenic effect of red meat on the colon. Men who eat red meat(beef pork or lamb) as a dish of the day or as many as four or five times a week, have four times greater risk of having colon cancer. Any high intake of animal fat is increasing your risk.

Renal Cancer is one of the lead cause of renal failure in the human body. According to the German Institute of Human Nutrition in Bergholz-Rehbruke Said Carcinoma in renal cells is more frequent with greater intake of fat, and meat products. It has been known, since ancient times that those who regularly eat meat are more likely to get cancer than those who don’t.
Meat is very addictive, today it is known that the muscle cells of meat contains hypoxanthine, which increase in concentration as the meat ages. Hypoxanthine and other similar substances, such as inosinic acid and guanylic acid. They have a chemical structure to that of caffeine and cocoa. This explain why some people won’t sto eating meat.

Breast Cancer: Its,  no secret that breast cancer is one of the leading cause of death in woman all over the global Hemisphere. According to the Montebello Institute of Epidemiological Investigation(Oslo Norway), woman who eat meat more than five a week, run developing breast cancer, than those who eat less or none at all. We know there are other risk factors, but try to eliminate or cut down on the amount of meat eaten daily.
