[New Of The Day] Apple Cider Vinegar A Natural Blood Cleanser

$5 for more than a month’s supply! –
(Bragg brand w/ the “mother”) – “The mother,” simply is a living ‘culture’ or strain of helpful microorganisms that have profound effects on all aspects of the living body. – ACV(Apple Cider Vinegar), is classified as a raw, living food and also a prebiotic, meaning it is food that nourishes and proliferates the helpful bacteria in our intestinal tract, which comprises around 80% of our immune system.
Antibiotics, tap water, processed food, prescription drugs, fast food, etc.. all deplete this beneficial bacteria that proper health depends on, as odd as it sounds. Because ACV influences and tonifies the immune system so effectively, it is notorious for being a ‘cure-all’ or natural medicine for almost any ailment.
ACV is highly effective at breaking down oxalate / calcium, uric acid, and calcifications / crystallization which collect and hinder joints, muscles, arteries, kidneys (kidney stones), gall bladder (gallstones), stiffness, etc… 1-2 tbsp a day w/ a tea cup’s worth of pure spring water or tea (2-3x a day) helps deplete and break down these forms of crystallization to swiftly alleviate these conditions. Because it also profoundly boosts the immune system and balances ph, ACV has an adept ability to handle a variety of varying issues such as candida, arthritis, gout, inflammation, acidosis in general, infection, depression, fibromyalgia, dementia, mind fog, allergies, etc. Paired with organic lemon juice and alkaline water in a concoction, the body becomes more fluid, infection depletes (as the body becomes more alkaline and inhospitable for microbial opponents), and these calcifications begin to diminish, providing comfort and protection from the host of issues mentioned above and countless more.
ACV is remarkable for anyone who just doesn’t feel right and wants relief from their ‘off-ness.’ The best news is that Bragg brand ACV is only $5 a bottle, which can last a month to 3 months, depending on how much you use. It can be found in your local health food store and perhaps your standard grocery store (you can call beforehand to find out). If you are experiencing dis-ease or dis-comfort of any kind, do yourself a favor and pick up a bottle to try this for a month or so daily – around 1-2 tbsp in the morning and before bed, or as needed and watch the result in you daily health. ACV is working for so many people and the comments you’re likely to see from this post will further give this wonderful Earth food its due acclaim!
Source:Earth Foods/facebook
