Movie Trailer: Chris Brown Josh Holloway And Laz Alonso In “Battle Of The Year”

While the world patiently awaits for the reunion of Chris Brown and Rihanna, Chris is cashing out them checks. The r&B crooner stars alongside Josh Hollway [the actor who plays in the hit tv show “Lost”] in the hollywood breakdance film “Battle Of The Year”. The movie is based on the annual international b-boying tournament which is titled the same as the name of the movie.

The film follows the American team of breakdancers, who have not won the event for 15 years. Los Angeles hip-hop mogul B-Boy Dante (Laz Alonso) hires former basketball coach Blake (Holloway) to lead the team.

Sidebar: Is it me or does this scene closely resembles the scene in the movie Stomp The Yard: Part I?

Anywho, Judging from the video trailer, the movie is sure to be another box office hit. Chris shows off his numerous talented dance skills and his co-stars do just the same. Watch the trailer below.
