The Benefits Of Chorophyll

Chlorophyll also known as  plant’s blood,  it is the basis of all plant life and when condensed  chlorophyll absorbs energy from the sun to supply photosynthesis in plants, this is what give plant their green color, therefore making it one of the world’s greatest body protector and healer. Chlorophyll is identical to to human blood(hemoglobin), except that magnesium is the central atom in Chlorophyll while iron is central in human blood.

According to Dr Keefa Weatherspoon our natutropathic physician, these are some of the benefits of Chlorophyll. It is nature’s deodorizer, when used in abundance in your diet is the best protection against radiation and dis-ease, it also fights decay and slow the aging process in the body. Cleanses and rebuild the bloodstream, more efficiently than a transfusion. People with high and low blood pressure, diabetes, anemia,edema, gout, arthritis, asthma, ulcer, hemorrhaging, skin problems, peptic ulcer, gallbladder disorders, nosebleeds, hair loss, tooth decay, bad breath, lupus, smokers, removal of heavy metals in the blood, and when fed to animals exposed to lethal doses of radiation has known to prevent cancer and premature death.

Chlorophyll is found in many green leafy vegetables, (such as spinach, lettuce, kale, beets tops, watercress), fruits, wheat grass, and sprouts, ,most effective eaten raw, extract, or steam. Yon can also find it in Alfafa, Barley grass, Spirulina and liquid chlorophyll.
You can find chlorophyll in your local health food stores, online and in certain pharmacy. or you can contact us at www.thatplum @ att: Empressicia.

Source credit: Dr Keefa L. Weatherspoon book Healthy Soul
