[ News Of The day]Aphrodisiac Foods For The Male Sexual Organs

Aphrodisiac foods and plants have a revitalizing and invigorating effect on the human body especially the male sexual organ. These aphrodisiac plant foods have properties for increasing vitality and sexual desire, beside enhancing sexual ability and performance, these plant foods can also increase the amount of spermatozoa. For young or middle aged males, the most common prostrate problems is Prostatitis caused by infection, while in males over the age of 50, the most common affection is Hyperthrophy known as enlarge prostrate
Properties and Indications:
Pumpkin Seeds and especially the pumpkin germ, it contain up to 35% of protein oil rich essential amino acids and cucurbitacin an active component zinc a trace element which reduces inflammation, urinary bladder disorders and expels intestinal parasites of the prostrate.

Avocados is another aphrodisiac food which were called testicle trees by the native Mexican for years. Though it does not have a direct influence on genitals function, the avocado is recommended for males because it decreases cholesterol level in the blood. This decrease fats in the blood, and male sterility allowing the semen to flow and fertilize the female ovule better.
Internal Recommendation: Take a handful of pumpkin seeds fresh, dry, or cooked in amount of 50-100g, two or three times a day to reduce inflammation and excessive growth of the prostrate. Fast for 12 hours{drinking only alkaline water)for the removal intestinal parasites cleansing. For further information on parasites cleansing contact me at thatplum@gmail.com.
