[Lifestyle News] Red Beets Combats Anemia


Beets are herbaceous plant of the botanical family Chenopodiaceae.  Cultivated in a variety of colors  Red, Red/white Striped, and can be used interchangeably.  Beets are grown throughout the world, but they adapt well in cold climate, especially Europe and North America. The Blood-Red color gives a brightness to salads, soups, and potato dishes. Great baked and roasted.  Just cut off the tops, brush with some cooking oil, and bake/roast at 350 degree. They should be boiled for at least 1 hour. cooked beets are more digestible.  Many raw food eaters say raw beet root juice  drink and grated is the best way to consume it. Carbohydrates such as saccharose(sugar) and fructose are prominent in beets, because of this beet is grown for industrial production of white sugar and can reach 10% of their weight. This make red beets one the most sugar-rich vegetables, that  surpassed other varieties

I told you about the properties of beets, now let me tell you about its aniti-anemic effects. The anti-action of red beets is well known, and has described by many doctor. Beets has high  iron content (1.80mg/100g) and vitamin C(30mg/100g) which help in the absorption of minerals. Drinking 50 to 100 ml of raw freshly prepared beet juice before meals twice a day provides the greatest anti-anemic effects, This is particularly helpful when a patient does not respond well to iron treatment, which is the case of anemia caused by low blood production in the bone marrow(hyoplastic anemia).

Beets is it contain high levels of minerals salts, particularly potassium,calcium, and magnesium, explain their alkalizing effects on the blood, and a high-fat low vegetable diet. The beet root contains a considerable amount of vegetable fiber, which help the body to get rid of cholesterol and fats. A University of Minnesota study showed that 30 mg of beet fiber a day during a three weeks lowered your total cholesterol by approximately 10% of its initial value. This reduction was greater than that achieved with other vegetable fiber such as wheat bran. I highly recommend that red beets frequently be included in a individuals wishing to reduce cholesterol levels.

Another fascinating discovery of Red Beets is its ant- carcinogenic effects. According to a Dr Schneider said, various experiences that took place in Hungary and Germany found that cancerous tumors were reduced or eliminated by administering a daily dose of 250g of shredded beets or 300-500ml of juice. These effect were produced even when the juice were boiled and concentrated to make it more tolerable to the stomach, which suggests that whatever the anti-carcinogenic substance is, it is heat resistance. Today research will soon find and confirm these experiences and identify the anti-carcinogen in red beets.

