Daily Discussion: Michelle Rodriquez Says One Must Be Trashy AND Black To Win An Oscar!!

Say What! 

Hollywood actress Michelle Rodriquez made some candid and controversial remarks during a recent interview with New York Vulture magazine. In the interview Rodriguez talked about her love of Lee Daniels [the director of the movie “Precious”] new film “The Paperboy” which stars actress Nicole Kidman.

Rodriguez says she was in complete “aww” of Kidman’s performance particularly the scene in which Kidman pees on Zac Efron and has a very loud, very graphic orgasm, butthen she made a not-so nice statement which can many are calling racist and offensive. Take a listen:

I loved The Paperboy! I fucking loved it.
One of my friends said, ‘She’s going to get nominated for an Oscar for that.’ I was like, ‘Nah, man. She’s not black!’ I laugh, But it’s also very sad. It makes me want to cry.
But I really believe, You have to be trashy and black to get nominated. You can’t just be trashy.

Now I’m not sure if Michelle was gone off that ‘Molly’ [which she’s known for]  but she clearly has her head in the clouds. Had she been paying attention she’d notice The Oscar’s have many categories/nominees and every year and out of all the movies that black people star/co-star in only one or two black people become the most talked about Oscar nominees  [ie: Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer “The Help”]  Jennifer Hudson, and Jamie Fox “Dream Girls” ] Gabrielle Sidibe and Monique Williams ‘Precious” etc. ]and often time only 1 black person wins. WOW!  This in itself was a long time coming!

To Michelle’s defense,  I also take notice that Hollywood often rewards black women and men for roles that often depicts black people in a bad image [Halle Berry “Monster’s Ball,  Monique “Precious”, Denzel “Training Day”, Jamie Fox “Dream Girls”, Forrest Whitaker  “The Last King Of Scotland”]  rather than praise them for the many roles they’ve played prior which were just as spectacular.

Hopefully, Michelle phrases her words more carefully and or elaborate more of what she meant exactly in her response statement!

People – What do you think? Was her statement taken out of context or was it offensive?

