[Lifestyle News Of The Day] “INSOMNIA” Are You Having Sleepless Nights?

You would think, Sleep means placing the head on a pillow, go to sleep and wake up the next morning with the strength to perform all tasks. But for some people this is not the case, Insomnia is a disorder classified as habitual sleeplessness. Waking up two or more times in the middle of the nights, unable to fall asleep when you first go to bed are all signs of insomnia.  Failure to get an entire night’s sleep on most nights or over a period of one month can be considered as chronic insomnia. This affect one out of every ten people in the U.S, approximately 30 percent of them are healthy people.

Millions of people have trouble sleeping due to different types  of sleep disorders. One in particular is RLS known as restless leg syndrome, for reason unknown, when these people are in bed, their leg jerk, twitch and kick involuntarily. RLS also has been linked to painful leg muscle cramps, anemia, and a deficiency in magnesium.

Below are two videos that may be helpful to you in getting a good night rest.

Natural Treatments remedies for insomnia

Natural Gems remedy that work really well for insomnia

There is no hard rule about how much sleep is enough, because every individual’s requirements are different. Some people can function on as little as five hours of sleep a night, while others seem to perform better with nine or ten hours of sleep in order to feel refreshed and work at their peak during the day.

My recommendation is learn to put worries out of your mind, concentrate on pleasant thoughts and memories, recreate a pleasurable time in your life or an event to relieve stress as ease your mind. Learn a relaxation techniques, such as meditation, yoga, and massage therapy.

Exercise regularly in the late afternoon or early evening, but not right before bedtime. Physical exertion is an excellent way to make your body tired, so that sleep come more easily.

I’m not a medical doctor so any sharing of health educational information in this website should be taken as just that — the sharing of educational information. Please see the disclaimer link.
