[Lifestyle News Of The Day] Reflexology A Unique Body Cleansing

Did you know, that there are alternative techniques you can use, by applying pressure to certain parts of your hands and feet, that can rid the body of toxins and reduce pain in various organs of your body. Let me introduce you to a unique ancient healing; it called Reflexology.

Reflexology, aka  “zone therapy”,  is known around the world and throughout history. Reflexology has been rediscovered time and time again. Archeologist have found evidence pointing to ancient reflexology medical practices in Egypt, this is how old its in existance. In the West, the concept of reflexology began to emerge in the 19th century with European and Russian research into the nervous system and reflex- think Pavlov. Reflex therapies were created as medical practices but were soon replace by the use of surgery and drugs. In the East, ancient Chinese techniques were re-discovered in the 1980’s and have spread throughout Asia creating today’s reflexology-rich environment with reflexology path in parks and thriving reflexology industries of practitioners, business, and research. The ideas of reflex use for health improvement were carried on sporadically and brought to American in 1909 by Dr. William Fitzgerald, an eye-ear and nose specialist from Connecticut. Physiotherapist Eunice Ingham is credited with developing a system of reflex areas by 1938.

Reflexology is based on the notion that

each body part is represented on the hands and feet and that pressing on specific areas on the hands or feet can have a therapeutic effects in other parts of the body. Reflexology Practitioner say that foot reflexology can cleanse your body of toxins, increase circulation, assist in weight loss, and improve the health of organs throughout the body. This healing practice as since adapted by medical doctors, for example Dr OZ(The Dr Oz show), Dr Phill(Dr Phill show), nurse practitioners, holistic practitioners, and other health care providers through out our society as an alternative to medicine.

Preparing The Feet Prior to Getting A Feet Reflexology


How to massage the heart and lungs area of the foot in this free alternative medicine video.

Practitioner’s have also concluded that reflexology can help treat treating earaches, anemia, bedwetting, bronchitis, convulsions in an infant, hemorrhoids, hiccups, deafness, hair loss, emphysema, prostate trouble, heart disease, overactive thyroid gland, kidney stones, liver trouble, rectal prolapse, undescended testicles, intestinal paralysis, cataracts, and hydrocephalus (a condition in which an excess of fluid surrounding the brain can cause pressure that damages the brain).  Today many celebrities, such as Russel Simmoms, Montell Williams, athletes, entertainers, etc all embrace reflexology as alternative choice to medicine.
