[Lifestyle News Of The Day] Saving Tips For 2012

A Penny saved is a Penny earned!

It might sound like a corny proverb, but it’s actually a true sound financial advice. Every time you save money, even as little as one penny is a valuable savings in today’s economy. Being a cautious consumer is nothing to be a shame of, in reality you are taking control in your financial future..

Below is a list of four videos showing different products that can be a source of saving and conserving  energy as well

Here’s how!

Did you know changing your regular light bulbs to the energy saving bulbs could save you lots of usages and money?

 A little soap goes a long way. In actuality, more soap does not make your clothes cleaner. In fact, the less soap, the better care for your clothes and the washing machine.

These savings tips can benefit you and your family. Continue to tune P.L.U.M as we continue to bring you more lifestyle awareness.

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