[Video] Bobby Brown Sister, Leolah Brown Says ‘Whitney Houston’s Death Was No Accident’ On Access Hollywood

Whitney’s Houston death remains a sudden and unexpected tragedy, and although autopsy results indicate that Houston’s death was an accident, Bobby Brown sister Leola says otherwise. Leola [wh affirms that she was extremely close to Whitney] sat down with Access Hollywood and says that she believes Houston’s death was indeed a homicide but opted not to speak in details of her opinion.

In the interview Leola defends her brother Bobby Brown on accusations that he influenced Whitney’s prior drug habit and her ultimate demise and Leolo also expressed her feelings about her niece [Bobbi Kristina] whom she feels is very vulnerable and unsafe at this time.

Check out the excerpts and video below:

On Her Advice To Her Neice Chrissy

I want to say to Chrissy at this time that It’s is very very very important that she doesn’t trust anybody except her father, her grandmother Cissy, and her   .. .Right now is the time to really shut the door.

On Bobby Brown Being Blamed For Whitney Drug Use 

Bobby has nothing at all to do with Whitney’s death

Papa John [Whitney’s father says it best, he loved bobby dearly, and he said out of his own mouth.. her father said he was tired of people talking about his son-in- law he said Bobby had nothing to tdo with Whitney doing drugs in the past or whatever..

On What Killed Whitney

I believe Whitney’s death was not accidental.. No,

My attorney uh [pause] has advised me not to get into that at all.. but its very important  to know that she did not pass away like that and if its the last thing that I do, I’m going to find out what truly happened to my sister

Watch the full interview:

