Janet Hubert Calls Out Wendy Williams

Actress, Janet Hubert aka Aunt Viv of the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air show recently called out talk show host, Wendy Williams after Williams public broke down to her studio audience over the death of Whitney Houston.

As you may recall Wendy and Whitney had a heated phone exchange back in 2003 during Wendy’s live taped radio show on 107.5fm. Wendy called out Whitney on her drug addiction and Whitney in return called the radio station and gave Wendy a few multiple choice words. The conversation ended with Whitney telling Wendy “You Better Watch What The F*ck you Say” followed by the dial tone. Whitney and Wendy has never met face-to-face but Wendy often referenced Whitney as her sister from another mother and talked of their similarities including their drug habit in which Wendy admits to having a 15-year addiction.

Following Whitney’s death a somber Wendy broke down in tears and she talked about her sadness over the music legend, her radio encounter with Whitney, how she wanted nothing more than for Whitney to OWN her addiction which she felt Whitney had never done hence the reason why she often spoke of Whitney.

Well Janet is not buying Wendy’s sob story and in an open letter to Wendy she unleashed her feelings.

Celebrities are not topics; we are people just like everyone else. We hurt and we hear and we bleed real blood, not fake blood, just as you do.

How do you sleep at night knowing that you are one of the biggest bullies in the world disguised as HOT TOPICS?

How do we as parents teach our children to honor each other, treat each other with kindness, when all they see are images of people like you who condone and promote meanness, rude reality TV stars, and your opinion as you berate world renowned people like Janet Jackson, Gwyneth Paltrow and others you slam on a daily basis.

Janet went on to say that Wendy depicts a poor representation of Black women and concludes the letter informing Wendy that she too may ‘reap what she sow’s’.

Wendy, I try to teach my son to stand up, shout and scream when there is injustice. Yeah yeah, I know, I have been screaming for years and will continue to do so as long as there are images that depict Black women as neck-shaking, overbearing women who can’t get along.

You need to stop Wendy. We need to stop, and the world needs to stop. I need to stop as well. There will be no more quotes from me to be misquoted. We need to join together,” she said, warning, “You will not always be up, you will not always be on the A-list and attend all the parties. Ride the wave, sister girl, but make sure you know how to swim when the ride is over.”

WOW! Janet was holding no punches on this one. Janet Hubert sure knows all to well about reaching to the top and falling to the bottom. Janet received many criticisms after she called out her former co-star Will Smith, and we haven’t hear much of her since so clearly she knows that you definitely reap what you sow.

It would be great to see these two have a sit down.

Wendy Williams and Whitney Houston Part I

Wendy Williams and Whitney Houston Part II
