Lifestyle News: Marijuana Replaces Retalin In Treatment For Children With A.D.D. And ADHA

For thousand of years Marijuana has been use for Therapeutically, Recreationally and Medicinally purposes, so I not surprise that it is recommend as medical alternative for the drug Retalin, and I can just hear a lot of parents gasping at the thought of, marijuana pills as a treatment for their children with ADD/ADHD “NAH”. But, According to Cannazine news, Dr Claudia Jenson, who is a consultant pediatrician from (USC) University of Southern California, has come up with a novel way of treating ADD/ADHD, without any of the unwanted side effects which can result from using popularly prescribed medicine.

Check out the video to hear what Dr. Claudia Jesnson had to say

In 2008,The Obama administration announced  that people buying and selling marijuana for state-condoned medical uses should not be targeted for federal arrest or prosecution.

Marijuana is legal in more than a dozen states for some prescribed medical uses—such as pain reduction or treatment for glaucoma, cancer and numerous other diseases. It is still, however, illegal under federal law and had been treated as such during the Bush administration, which encouraged federal pursuit of people who used or distributed marijuana in accordance with state laws that permitted it.

Here are some of the states that permit some medical marijuana uses: Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington.

The announcement, made from Deputy Attorney General David Ogden, indicates that the new recommendations  “does not ‘legalize’ marijuana.” If this is not a good enough reason then I don’t know what it will take, viewers share your opinion.
