White House Fitness Face Off With Michelle Obama And Talk Show Host Jimmy Fallon

“Healthy Living Is The Way To Go” says our first lady, Michelle Obama.

Michelle Obama is not your average first lady. Many of us have lived long enough and witness our elected presidents take the oval office but I have never seen a First lady challenge anyone to a fitness face off in the white house, until now. First Michelle Obama challenged Ellen Degeneres in a push- up challenge on the Ellen Show and now she takes on Jimmy Fallon in tug-a-war challenge.

Michelle gets a “THUMBS UP” for trying to get our country fit.

Recently, Michelle Obama said that she was willing to make “a complete fool” of herself to promote her Let’s Move initiative, which encourages kids to be active. That was music to Jimmy Fallon‘s ears, since, as he says,”he already makes a fool of himself every night”.

Check out video below:

So the ‘Late Night’host trotted over to the White House and challenged the First Lady to a fitness competition that had the potential to make them both look quite silly. So it all came down to the potato sack race. Fallon seemed headed for victory, as the theme from ‘Chariots of Fire’ played. However his final hop failed him, and Michelle nipped him at the finish line. Which is probably for the best, as everyone in the White House knows that losing out to Michelle Obama in a potato sack race is a one-way ticket to an instant IRS audit.


