Know Whats In Your Fast Food
Well “Thumbs Up” to California for taking the lead in informing the public of what we are eating in our fast food franchise.
As if watching what we eat isn’t challenging enough, there seems to be a fast food restaurant everywhere we turn. Sure they’re handy and yes they can be tempting, but their menus are also notorious for featuring high-calorie, and high-fatty foods acid. Now there are new report that, all kind of chemical is added in these foods.
Fast Foods is organized around the menus of forty-one fast food chains. Its list includes high calorie burger outlets like McDonald’s and Burger King, chicken chains including KFC, Church’s and Popeye’s, and pizza giants Pizza Hut, Papa John’s, Sbarro and others. It also features large but more regional outlets like Jack-In-The-Box and Hardee’s. In all, there are more than 4,700 menu items rated. so check your facts, count your calories, and take control of the foods you are buying.
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