Deion & Pilar Sanders Divorce Is Getting Ugly!

Things are not going so well in the Sanders divorce!

Deion is no longer playing nice guy and he’s finally sounding off at Pilar now that new claims have arised in their divorce; alleging that Deion is an abusive partner, a cheater, and an parent.

Deon says that Pilar is nothing more than a Gold Digger!

Hmm? Isn’t that what Deon’s daughter, Deiondra Sanders stated last month on twitter but Deon later denounced it on an interview with Radio; even affirming that he and Pilar were good friends and the two were still residing in their Houston mansion.

Well, things just went from bad to good. Pilar is now contesting the prenup agreement alleging that she was under duress at the time and is entitled to half of Deion’s 40 million dollar estate.

Deion says otherwise. Deion’s lawyer recently fired back and told TMZ that “Ms. Sanders and her attorney are nothing more than an attempt to avoid a legally binding contract that she no longer likes, by falsely assassinating the character of Mr. Sanders.”

Now I see why athletes opt to take the quite settlement route instead of the public spectacle. These are some strong allegations and from the looks of it, things are only get messier from here on out.
