C.L.O.D (Caribbean Link Of The Day)

The C.L.O.D of the day goes to: Chris Martin “Paper Loving”

Chris Martin talks love and money and the irony of the two. But Chris speaks to the women on this track, who he claims love you for what you have and not for who you are.

I love the song Chris, but I have to say, unfortunately everyone must bring food to the table these days. Both man and woman. I guess if the 50/50 rule is practiced at the start of the relationship it won’t hinder the relationship down the line.

So if you want a woman to love you for who you are and not for your money then, don’t lavish her too much in the beginning, cause just like a kid in the candy store, women get accustomed to the treatment, and their partner/caretaker will have to just fit bill until he/she calls it quits.

Watch the video here:
