Sean Kingston Dating Maliah Michelle

Celebrate and Don’t Hate is the anthem these days!

Remember the old saying ” You can’t turn a hoe into a housewife’. Well, that term is long dead and gone. These days its fair game and anyone is free to play. You can turn a stripper, hoe, commoner, prostitute into a wifey status and you shall not be judged.

Sean Kingston arrived at the 2011 AMA’s with female date, Maliah Michelle. Fellas and ladies, you may recognize the video model from mens magazines, and videos. Maliah is also the former love interest of rapper Drake.  Well, Maliah has now set her eyes on Sean Kingston.

A few years back I would have been ready to start a petition again

What interesting is that these women play at the center of cheating men both married and single. But  you can’t blame the woman alone. Its both parties involved, the man and woman.

When I see rappers or males in general choosing to only date a specific type of mate based on complexion, bodytype and size I usually grab the popcorn and watch the comedy unfold. Last time I checked a worthy woman is one who’s character reflects her demeanor, poise, and integrity despite whether or not she ‘s an ‘ambitious girl’.

So in honor of the Celebrate-Don’t Hate movement I decided to create an ad on how catch a fling or hit a quick lotto with a Baller (Rapper, Actor, NBA/NFL player, etc) No pun intended Sean but if the shoe fits,  wear it.

Here it goes:

Attention ladies and gents. If you desire to achieve this dream there’s a few things you may have to accomplish first.

1) You must be a former stripper,video vixen, and or posess 36 D bra size or bigger, 20 inch waist and a ‘big ol booty’ at the very minimum.

2) You must have extensive experience dropping it low, and getting low as well.

3) Education is not required but it is acknowledged. You won’t be doing much talking, only when your told to.

4) You may even qualify as a mistress if you are indeed a he as long as you possess any of the skills outlined in 1 and 2.

Good luck candidates!!
