$2,500 For 24 Carat Gold Headphones “Beats By Dre”

Calling all headphone fanatics? Dr.Dre has put out his latest headphones and they’re even more expensive. Dre has paired up with Crystal Rock, a retail distribution company who is widely recognized for his work with top designers including Dolce & Gabana to create gold plated headphones. That’s right folks, the 24 carat gold headphone is sure to be a retail hit but these headphones may not be condusive for the average consumer.

It’s hard to imagine anyone who would boldly walk around in $2500 headphones in public without feeling unsafe especially in NYC. The good news abut this product is that the 24 carat gold headphones is a limited edition and is said to be used for studio purposes only. There is only 50 copied versions. Hurry up and get your pair if you dare?
